Angular is a powerful JavaScript-based development platform used to create single-page applications. It is one of the most widely-used frameworks for web development and is employed by many large companies. What contributes to its user-friendliness though? Let’s look at some of the reasons why Angular is so convenient. Intuitive Design Angular is developed with developers

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Barry Dyngles
November 15, 2022

Angular filters are one of the most powerful tools of the Angular framework, enabling developers to create sophisticated web applications with ease. Filters are used to modify the data being displayed on the page, allowing developers to manipulate or transform the data to fit their purpose. Filters can be used to sort, search, format, or

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Barry Dyngles
November 10, 2022

If you’re a business owner looking to create an ecommerce store, you may be pondering if Shopify templates are worth the investment. Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms available, and their range of templates offer a great way to rapidly and effortlessly create a breathtaking website without having to learn intricate coding.

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Barry Dyngles
November 9, 2022

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for creating user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable components and design complex user interfaces in an efficient way. React also has a feature called JSX, which stands for JavaScript XML. This feature allows developers to create components with a special syntax that combines HTML

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Barry Dyngles
November 9, 2022

VueJS has been a staple of the JavaScript framework world since 2014, and it’s no surprise that its popularity has only been increasing ever since. With big-name companies like Google, Apple, and Netflix all using VueJS to power their projects, it’s clear that this is a framework that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The main

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Barry Dyngles
November 8, 2022

With the ever-changing trends in web development, the necessity for a dependable and simple-to-utilize framework is more noteworthy than any other time in recent memory. As the web advances, frameworks must advance with it, and that is actually what Next.js does. Next.js is a React structure for making server-side rendered, SEO-accommodating sites. It is likewise

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Barry Dyngles
October 31, 2022

When it comes to web development, Model-View-Controller (MVC) has long been the industry standard. It’s a way of dividing the code into separate parts that can be changed independently, making it easier to maintain and update. But in recent years, there’s been a new challenger on the scene: React. So, is React a MVC? The

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Barry Dyngles
October 30, 2022

React is a widely-used, open-source JavaScript library designed to create user interfaces and single-page web applications. Developed by Facebook and released in 2013, React has become a popular choice for web development. But what language is used in React? The primary language executed in React is JavaScript, the world’s most popular scripting language. JavaScript is

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Barry Dyngles
October 29, 2022